Endlers.nl - Behavior, Instinctive and Sexual Selection
Differentiation within the two species, Campoma guppy and Common guppy (based on studies of several professors and scholars and own knowledge) Behavior patterns, and selection patterns I described herein, from personal knowledge and information from Fred N. Poeser, Michael Kempkes, Isaac J. H. Isbrücker who have gathered from trips to Venezuela, and co play from a previous excursion by M. Kempkes in 1993 and of course from several aquarium observations.
Behavior of the Campoma (Endler) guppy
Also about the observations of Campoma guppy in the wild (the discovery)
The behavior of P. wingei is new to science and therefore I have described is quite extensive, even in this I have used my own knowledge and information from the Articles of Poeser, Kempkes & Isbrücker from Contributions to Zoology.
And I had the the opportunity the studie the fish Poeser originaly captured in Aguas dos Moisas. The fact that I have this fish in my own aquaria made it possible for me to write this knowledge on paper and at this website. Males from the campoma guppy poulations are more often in groups than in the common guppy populations. Very occasionally become a group of 3 accompanied by only one man. In groups with more fishes, like more than 40 adult males work more intensively. In relatively small groups, from one to three men and one to seven females, the males show less intense courtship behavior compared to larger groups. In smaller groups it is not necessary to comply, because the females recognize the males more individual. When a male doesn't belong to the subgroup and it acts strange and shows courtship behavior to one of the females, the other males will chase to the intruder to stop his attempt. To atract females males will let their glossy or brilliant colors shine into a position so that the female sees it (as the male is clearly colored metallic colors will shine in the light). Men take the approach of the woman from behind, preferably while she is busy searching food.
1 A male attempts to position itself among the women to place, while his darker color pattern if it is successful.
2 The male will try to be visible in the face-to-face position.
3 He showed his colors and body. Then turn the male to the female.
4 Finally, while the male circling around the female, he tries to copulate with his forward-turned gonopodium.
Difference in the mating behavior between the normal guppy and guppy Campoma
• The Campoma guppy males are more places from below by the female (often), the normal guppy more often from behind or the side
• The (Endler) Campoma guppy females not really attack, and the males do not really hunt for the female. Females float slowly to the men and show that they are cooperative. Women of the common Guppy often make it clear in earlier stage whether or not copulate.
• The characteristic aggressive couples often do not take place in the Campoma guppy unlike the common guppy.
• Aggression of females towards the males often find place at the Common guppy , which have never been observed at the Campoma guppy (Endler). In general, the females of the guppy Campoma are more cooperative and receptive, rejecting males takes place in a much later stage than in the common guppy does.
• The Campoma guppy male is relatively docile. Tries more often to mate the same female.
• While competition is strong in large populations, males do not disrupt the mating process of other males. The males in a large group show impressive behavior only occasionally. Male aggression is not relevant for courtship in a large group.
• Males who deviate are called sneak-population, they skip the courtship and immediately try to mate the female (raping).
(Location of Fred's observation)
The Campoma guppies can be found in a small stream of clear water in Las Aguas de Moises, along the highway between Cariaco and Casanay ..
(Appearance of the area and life and coexist with other species)
The river is about 150 cm deep (the bottom is clearly visible), approximately 180 to 300 cm wide and no submerged vegetation was observed, Poeser's observation area was a piece of about 40 meter. There were a number of trees and dense vegetation at various positions with the bank. The Campoma Guppy is alive with the following types: Catoprion spec., Crenicichla spec., Cichlasoma spec. Rivulus spec. Ampullaria spec. And some still unidentified crustaceans.
Campoma guppy Population in Aquarium
Copyright ©2009-2010 Endlers.nl Kevin van Dijk - kevin@endlers.nl
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